Open office workstations were provided in Flat Cut Walnut and etched glass.
Photo | Ricardo Parra

MESA tables represent a traditional of craftsmanship that is also fresh, forward-looking, and technologically advanced.
Photo | Ricardo Parra

MESA tables were provided in sizes to fit a range of meeting spaces.
Photo | Ricardo Parra

MESA tables represent a traditional of craftsmanship that is also fresh, forward-looking, and technologically advanced.
Photo | Ricardo Parra

NEW MILLENNIA private offices include adjustable-height desking and continuous floating shelves.
Photo | Ricardo Parra

Through close collaboration with The Turner Construction Company, Fogarty Finger provided a design for their International Headquarters that was grounded in tradition, yet fresh, forward-looking, and technological. HALCON was selected to provide private office, open office, and conference solutions.